9 Strategies to Achieve Your Most Ambitious Goals

| EP 36


You’re Eager to Change Aspects of Your Life

But Unsure Where How to Start?

Perhaps you're looking to make tweaks in specific areas, such as earning more money, sleeping better, or forming better relationships.

Stephen and Sharlene go beyond generic motivation. In this episode, they present 9 actionable strategies, empowering you to conquer challenges and finally create the life you desire.

Packed with real-life experiences and inspiring guest insights, the podcast unveils the transformative power of reframing your past. You'll learn how seemingly negative experiences can become stepping stones to a fulfilling future.

Key Takeaways:

  • Real-Life Examples to Inspire You

  • How to Protect Your Mental Space

  • Visualize Your Goals into Reality


  • 05:01 - How Life-Changing Interviews Led To World-Leading Expertise

  • 10:00 - Struggling With Self-Doubt, Seeking Growth And Clarity.

  • 17:37 - The Power Of Persistence

  • 19:21 - Focusing On Your Own Journey Is Crucial.

  • 29:37 - Setting Intentions

They don’t just preach; they deliver practical applications through relatable stories.

Stephen shares his transformation in his relationship with food. By changing his approach, he demonstrates how a positive shift in one area can ripple through other aspects of your life.

In today’s world of information overload, be equipped with strategies to safeguard your mental space. Learn how to identify and filter out negativity, allowing only content that empowers your journey.

Explore the power of visualization, along with tips for creating visual reminders of your goals.

Press play and obtain these simple yet effective techniques that will significantly accelerate your progress.

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Read the Transcript Below:

[00:00:00] Stephen Licciardello: Are you tired of living your life with the shudda kudda wudda? And they
[00:00:03] Sharlene Licciardello: have two must haves and got tos.
[00:00:06] Stephen Licciardello: Well in today's episode, Charlene and I talk about the nine strategies that you can take on today in rewriting your story.
[00:00:13] Stephen Licciardello: Doesn't have to be your whole life, can just be one area, but these nine strategies will be proven to work for you.
[00:00:18] Stephen Licciardello: Your story is important and you have the power to rewrite your story. make sure you stick to the end to listen to number nine.
[00:00:30] [00:01:00] [00:01:05] Stephen Licciardello: Hey everyone, welcome to season two of the Rewrite Your Story podcast.
[00:01:09] Sharlene Licciardello: That's right, we're actually going to shake it up a little bit now. So what can we expect from season
[00:01:13] Stephen Licciardello: two, Stephen?
[00:01:14] Stephen Licciardello:
[00:01:14] Stephen Licciardello: we've dropped the life and now it's just Rewrite Your Story podcast.
[00:01:18] Stephen Licciardello: And the reason for that is we found that while interviewing people, it's not just about your life. Some people don't want to rewrite their whole life. They just want to write an aspect of the life. we've got some great
[00:01:30] interviews in season two, but one of the key things in season two is you're going to hear more from myself in how you can rewrite your story, whether it's in life, whether it's in business, whether it's personal, whether it's emotional.
[00:01:44] Stephen Licciardello: We're going to give you some of our wisdom, some of our tips that have helped us redefine and rewrite areas of our life.
[00:01:51] Sharlene Licciardello: So hopefully you can take something away for yourself and hone in on any particular area that you wish to rewrite.
[00:01:57] Stephen Licciardello: Now, season one, we had some
[00:02:00] amazing guests. We had guests from all different walks of life. And when Charlene and I were in reflection of the guests. Um, and reflecting on the different guests we had, we really wanted to take out some gems and really redefine what it is to rewrite your story.
[00:02:17] Stephen Licciardello: But, we want you to make sure that you're, you listen to each episode because each episode has its gems. You know, one of the things that I guess I learned in season one from one of our guests trying
[00:02:30] to rewrite your weight journey, you know, and losing weight, this person's mantra became, you can either, face your stuff, Or stuff your face, but her mantra was, face your stuff, don't stuff your face.
[00:02:43] Stephen Licciardello: And that was just a really cool little mantra. And it's so
[00:02:46] Sharlene Licciardello: simple, right? Then it's so obvious. Like we forget about these little things, but it's so the little one liners that we can take away and really think, wow, how can I apply that to myself? What can that change
[00:02:59] Stephen Licciardello: in me? [00:03:00] So I think Charlene, the important thing is.
[00:03:02] Stephen Licciardello: To start off season two is actually defining what is rewriting your story. Yeah. Well,
[00:03:09] Sharlene Licciardello: a lot of people would think, you know, I have to go back and rewrite what I did before, but we can't actually change the past. What we can do, however, is change what we do now to change our future.
[00:03:20] Sharlene Licciardello: So we can take small steps along the way, we can do little things right now, right here, to make changes in our daily
[00:03:28] Stephen Licciardello: actions. And I think it's
[00:03:30] really important when we're talking about rewriting your story and rewriting, the past, what we're actually talking about is Looking at it from a different
[00:03:39] Sharlene Licciardello: narrative.
[00:03:39] Sharlene Licciardello: That's right. Having a different perspective and a different
[00:03:42] Stephen Licciardello: mindset. And it's our narrative of today that changes how we see things. So true,
[00:03:47] Sharlene Licciardello: so true. Sometimes we think back Oh, you know, finally I could change that. This would happen, but We can't really do
[00:03:53] Stephen Licciardello: that, can we? We have no control over what past events are.
[00:03:57] Stephen Licciardello: So Charlene, what are some ways that you would
[00:04:00] suggest people can really look at changing the narrative of their past?
[00:04:03] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. I think one of the things I always like to think about is seeking a professional to get an outside perspective on things. You might have this whole big story of how you've seen things and where you've grown up, but having an outers perspective can help you see it from a different angle and maybe see some good that came out of those stories from the past and how that's actually shaped who you are.
[00:04:27] Stephen Licciardello: And can our past
[00:04:30] align with future goals and future values?
[00:04:32] Sharlene Licciardello: Oh, absolutely. As long as I think we're not dwelling there, we're not dwelling in the past, but we're learning from it. And we can actually take those lessons that we've learned and actually reshape our future.
[00:04:44] Stephen Licciardello: So what are the narratives or what are some of the tools that you've used to help your clients as a counselor?
[00:04:50] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. A lot of mindful journaling and reflective journaling, which helps us to question ourselves and have really good prompts to ask ourselves really
[00:05:00] deep, meaningful questions to think, well, how Is my past behavior serving me in the now and how is it going to help me in the future?
[00:05:10] Stephen Licciardello: And share some of the inspiring stories that you got from some of the interviews.
[00:05:17] Sharlene Licciardello: Look, I had so many of them. One of them's just been the absolute resilience of these people that have gone through tragedy and they've moved past those, um, tragedies to see this is
[00:05:30] actually something that serves them. This is something that's. Shaped who they become and they wouldn't change it for the world.
[00:05:35] Sharlene Licciardello: They've actually found a new purpose through this whole thing. You
[00:05:39] Stephen Licciardello: know, if I think about one of the standout interviews, for me, it was episode 21, and if you haven't listened to episode 21, we interviewed Dave Albom. And Dave Albom was, had a real problem with alcohol, was basically sitting with a gun, by his side one night when he reached out and called, AA, AA.
[00:05:59] Stephen Licciardello:
[00:06:00] And that totally changed his life. But not only did it change his life, he is now the world leading expert when it comes to fire walking. Just by that one phone call led to so many projectories and so many differences in his life. That's
[00:06:14] Sharlene Licciardello: right. one of the guests that we had really resonated in that You know, we sometimes go through the hard stuff, but it's a, the hard times are the actual test time that we go through.
[00:06:26] Stephen Licciardello: And I believe that was, episode 28, George
[00:06:30] Sideris. Yeah. So George Sideris said, there's no such things as hard times, only testing times. And I thought that was really good because that again is a lesson of resilience. Why is resilience important in rewriting your story?
[00:06:43] Sharlene Licciardello: Look, I think it's so important because that's what's going to help carry you through.
[00:06:47] Sharlene Licciardello: When you're feeling really down and you feel like you can't go any further, you actually learn how strong you are. And when you come out the other side, you realize how resilient you are because you've actually pushed through that. When you push
[00:07:00] through that, you become more resilient because you Every time you do that, every little push that you make makes you realize how strong you actually
[00:07:06] Stephen Licciardello: are.
[00:07:07] Stephen Licciardello: And I guess that's where we stand in our personal power. So another way of rewriting your story is understanding your own personal power. How your personal power actually allows you to break free from limiting belief, social expectations, and what society or past traumas or what societies will call as social norms.
[00:07:28] Stephen Licciardello: But when we stand in
[00:07:30] our own power, and you know, standing in our own power isn't always about our own strength, is it? That's right. It's also about a higher strength.
[00:07:39] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. Sometimes we forget that we have a higher strength and we think that we have to do it all by ourselves. But there is actually that higher power that can actually help us and we can just lean on that extra strength to get us through.
[00:07:52] Stephen Licciardello: Yeah. And you know, whether, whatever your beliefs are, you know, relying on A God or
[00:08:00] relying on your higher power allows you actually then to step in and sit in, in your full power. And I think that's really important. Now,
[00:08:07] Sharlene Licciardello: I honestly believe that's where a lot of our intuition comes from too, because we think, you know, we're doing it by ourselves, but you'll often, how many times have we found that time where we're just sitting there and we're not even thinking of anything but this thought just drops into our mind like this moment of Inspiration and we did not know where that came from That I believe comes from that
[00:08:30] higher power.
[00:08:30] Stephen Licciardello: Yeah, and I think there's A scripture that I rely on a lot when it comes to that. Yeah. And it's Philippians 4 13 and it says, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Yes. And so my higher power is Jesus Christ and and that allows me to stand in my own power because you know, for me, it's it's confirmed in his word that I can actually do all things.
[00:08:53] Stephen Licciardello: When it comes to rewriting my story, I can do that through him who gives me strength.
[00:08:57] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely, we're not relying on a
[00:09:00] man or like anyone outside of us, but forces within us, that Christ in us, that we can actually know who we are.
[00:09:07] Stephen Licciardello: And I'm really excited from one of the interviews, a guy named Nico,
[00:09:11] Stephen Licciardello: his journey was an amazing journey where he called on his higher power and it really changed him. But then it was a discovery of what that higher power was in his life. So I'm really excited and that's going to be in the next three or four weeks, that interview.
[00:09:27] Stephen Licciardello: I think the next part of rewriting
[00:09:30] our story is self reflection and growth. What role, Charlene, as a counsellor, what role does self reflection and introspect have in the process of rewriting your story?
[00:09:41] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. Well, you know, they say that hindsight is 20 20, right? So, having that opportunity just to really reflect helps you to take yourself out of that picture and look back on it from a new point, a new perspective.
[00:09:56] Sharlene Licciardello: Mindset and new eyes. So you're not looking at it the
[00:10:00] same way you used to look at it. Having a new set of eyes to look at a situation helps you to. Pushed away from that feeling of angst that feeling of anger around that and help you to think well What else could I have done differently?
[00:10:13] Stephen Licciardello: Yeah, and I had a Major breakthrough and you're aware of the breakthrough that I've had in the last Four weeks and it's something that's actually I've been working on for Oh, all my life, ever since you've known me then and Charlene, for those of you who don't know our
[00:10:30] story, Charlene and I have actually known each other for over 30 years.
[00:10:33] Stephen Licciardello: So we were quite young when we met, we've been married for 23 years. And it was an area of struggle that I had in a lot of my life. And I'm not going to go too much into detail because it where I'm just sitting on it because I know that it's going to birth something new in our lives. But the, what it was.
[00:10:53] Stephen Licciardello: with not giving too much, detail is that I was a constant yo yo dyer , constant, [00:11:00] reflector of, you know, I'm not good enough. And I, I spoke a bit about it in the past around, imposter syndrome and how it was a real thing. And, and. I, just in the last three weeks, I was just sitting down, just in a quiet place of reflection, and it was actually four a.
[00:11:17] Stephen Licciardello: m. in the morning, and I was just put the question out there, and, and one day I will share more, but I know in my spirit that the time is not right, and I was just seeking, you know, the [00:11:30] answer to this particular area, and the answer came to me in that still quiet voice, and You know, I know it was from, from God because, you know, if you look at the book, Elijah, it didn't come in a loud rumbling, you know, God said, I'm not in the mountains or I'm not in the thunder.
[00:11:47] Stephen Licciardello: And it came in that stillness. And for me, it was, Stephen, the problem is you're so disconnected from your body because you were so overweight when you were a child that you disconnected yourself from your
[00:12:00] body. And. Can I tell you instantly that imposter syndrome had gone, everything had gone, and it wasn't like instantly when the realization came.
[00:12:10] Stephen Licciardello: Now, for me, it was a miracle and and and I give, you know, I acknowledge God who, who gave me that answer. And it actually was like a domino effect. And from that day on, even when it came to it. people in my life, I put strict boundaries in
[00:12:30] place that I didn't want to put labels anymore on food. there's no such thing as good or bad food.
[00:12:36] Stephen Licciardello: It's either serving you or not serving you at this moment. and so for instance, for me, one of the changes in the last three weeks and I've, I've dropped kilos is because I'm not labeling food anymore. I'm not saying, oh, that food's good or that food's bad. I'm actually saying, you know, That doesn't serve my body.
[00:12:53] Stephen Licciardello: That doesn't serve my goals at the moment. So you're listening to your body. I'm listening to my body because I
[00:13:00] now am and I'm actually saying to myself, I'm loved, you know, I accept my body, you know, my body is the vehicle that has been given to me through this journey of life. And it was only through self reflection and being open to the answer that this transformation came.
[00:13:18] Stephen Licciardello: Now there's so much more to this transformation, but this episode is not about that and it will be released in a soon another episode.
[00:13:26] Sharlene Licciardello: That's right. So basically it sounds like you've been able to identify those
[00:13:30] patterns with the grace of God, like giving you that just one word. Yeah. One word it took, isn't it?
[00:13:35] Sharlene Licciardello: After all those years. And it just changed everything
[00:13:38] Stephen Licciardello: for you, right? Yeah, I've totally been set free.
[00:13:41] Sharlene Licciardello: You know? Sometimes it's just about sitting still and really being willing to listen to what is available to you, that knowledge that is available out there.
[00:13:50] Stephen Licciardello: And you said something really important, sitting still.
[00:13:53] Stephen Licciardello: You know, so many people, self reflection is about stilling yourself or going into that quiet place
[00:14:00] of contemplation and just calming the monkey mind. Oh yeah.
[00:14:04] Sharlene Licciardello: How many times do we think? Oh, just sitting, if we're being still, we're wasting time. Like how many times have we heard that even in our own heads?
[00:14:11] Sharlene Licciardello: We think, oh, I'm sitting still, so I'm wasting time. I should be doing something else. And that's just the distraction of an enemy to take you away from that beautiful inspiration that's ready to us when we sit still.
[00:14:24] Stephen Licciardello: I think another step is creating some positive changes. So, one of the positive
[00:14:30] changes I've created is to change the way I speak around food, around my body, around the clothing.
[00:14:37] Stephen Licciardello: You know, if something's too small, I'm not like, oh my god, I put on weight, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I don't go down that track because it's actually not serving me any good. I'm just like, well, it doesn't fit today, but you know what? I'm taking steps every day. So it will, you know, so it's actually really being consciously aware of the narrative in your mind.
[00:14:58] Stephen Licciardello: And when I feel that
[00:15:00] things are coming up, that is bringing me and what I realized is, I've been set three, but there's 40 years of habits, it's, to reprogram there. So when a habitual thought or a habitual pattern that is not in alignment with this breakthrough occurs, one of the, one of the ways I use to overcome that one of the tools I use is a scripture in the Bible that says, I'm wonderfully and fearfully made.
[00:15:24] Stephen Licciardello: So in my mother's womb, he formed me. So that is constantly going in my
[00:15:30] mind. Hey, I'm wonderfully and fearfully made. He formed me in my mother's womb. If he formed me, I'm perfect the way I am. There's no two buts.
[00:15:38] Sharlene Licciardello: So true, so true. And we get so, we forget about that, don't we? We forget that we are wonderfully and fearfully made in his image.
[00:15:46] Sharlene Licciardello: And we just do things, whatever, and then we blame ourselves, and then we hate on ourselves, and we forget that. who we are, like as people.
[00:15:54] Stephen Licciardello: So that's one of the positive changes I've created in this area. But what are some other
[00:16:00] positive changes that people can create Charlene?
[00:16:02] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. Well, it's not just in health aspects, but even in relationship aspects, sometimes we get so caught up with playing these mind games with each other, expecting the other person to read each other's mind.
[00:16:13] Sharlene Licciardello: Like, and then we get so upset when they don't do what we wanted them to do, because we didn't tell them what we wanted in the first place, because they should guess, right? So,
[00:16:21] Stephen Licciardello: so open communication could be a positive change.
[00:16:25] Sharlene Licciardello: Open communication, being willing to just break down those barriers and [00:16:30] just be vulnerable to express what you want.
[00:16:33] Sharlene Licciardello: What you need in your life, what you need to receive from the other person. and don't be afraid of that person rejecting you, because if they're going to reject you, then that's not meant to be in the first place. The whole thing of, you know, just being open and being able to break down those barriers to just communicate.
[00:16:51] Sharlene Licciardello: Just be free, just be open, and trust that that other person's got your
[00:16:56] Stephen Licciardello: back. You know, talking about relationship, we've got a few
[00:17:00] podcasts coming up on relationship, and one is on the five love languages and the five love languages in practice as well. by listening to that one podcast and seeing the five Applications of the love languages and how you can apply them could be a positive change in relationships.
[00:17:15] Stephen Licciardello: Right.
[00:17:16] Sharlene Licciardello: And it's not about using those to say, Oh, no, that person needs to understand how I react or how I express love. But it's actually about us individually thinking, how can I change within myself? What steps can I
[00:17:30] take to demonstrate love to the other person and to show the person that they are loved?
[00:17:36] Stephen Licciardello: And I think I really want to stress in this part here that when we create positive change, obviously every change is hard at first and it's like building a muscle and we all know that, we need to remember that force actually negates. So when we force things to happen, we're actually.
[00:17:54] Stephen Licciardello: You know, going against the grain, it's actually harder, whereas we need to make the
[00:18:00] decision to change, sit in that decision, and then allow ourselves to take those steps without forcing results. I think that is one of the biggest traps, and it just, when you stop forcing results, it takes away striving.
[00:18:14] Sharlene Licciardello: That's not to say that you can't be persistent in what you're going for. There's a big difference between being persistent and forceful. When you're being forceful, you're just, you're having this whole anxiety, this whole stress about it, that it should be this way, or it needs to be this way, or it
[00:18:30] must be this way.
[00:18:31] Sharlene Licciardello: Those are all negative modes of being and ways of being. Like it's very harsh if you think about it. Like we don't like to be told you should do this or you should do that. So when we put that out, this should happen or this has to be this way, we're putting pressure on ourselves.
[00:18:49] Stephen Licciardello: The next step is overcoming adversity.
[00:18:51] Stephen Licciardello: So what you want to do is explore ways that you can overcome challenges in your life. Build yourself up a bit of a
[00:19:00] toolbox of resilience. When I say a toolbox of resilience, what I mean is stories of people that are resilient, but also tools that you could use. For instance, mine, it's, it's that one thing when, you know, the old habits pop in, it's no, hang on, I'm wonderfully and fearfully made, you know, that's not serving me today.
[00:19:18] Stephen Licciardello: So have a bit of a, and that for me, that just really shifts my mindset, and also really important when overcoming adversity is know that you're not alone. That's You're not
[00:19:30] alone in this and someone has probably already gone through what you're going through or already changed the area that you're changing as well.
[00:19:39] Stephen Licciardello: And we see it a lot, through videos and testimonials and podcasts. But then there's also a danger in this area when we begin to compare ourselves to others. I think comparitis is the bigger, biggest still or faith of joy that there is at the moment.
[00:19:58] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. Because we get
[00:20:00] so paralyzed in thinking that's, oh my gosh, this person's gotten so far and this is all I'm, right, but they forget that how far have you come already?
[00:20:11] Sharlene Licciardello: We forget to look back and think, well, I've already come this far and this is all just a journey. It's a process. They say that, you know, like happiness and all these like special emotions that we have, it's not a destination. It's a choice. We can choose to be happy and we can choose to make these choices every
[00:20:30] single day to change the direction of our future and it doesn't matter like the person ahead of you that's made it further, but they've only made it further because they've only done that before you.
[00:20:42] Sharlene Licciardello: Yeah. So it's just about where we are. It doesn't matter where someone else is, but still look to someone for mentorship. See someone who's gone through that same situation and come out the other side. and look for those people that have what you want right now and just look at them for inspiration,
[00:21:00] not compare comparison. [00:21:01] Stephen Licciardello: The next step in rewriting your story is mindset shift. Probably the hardest, but you know what? You know, not only is my mindset, people think, oh, mindset shift is a new thing, but it's actually not. It's been around since the beginning of time, you know, and I'm reminded again of a scripture in Romans that says, be not conformed to the patterns of this world, but be, be they transformed by the renewing of your mind.
[00:21:28] Stephen Licciardello: And so there, even
[00:21:30] Paul was speaking about this renewing of. The Apostle Paul was speaking about this renewing of the mind and that we're only transformed by the renewing of our mind. So I think of it as, garbage in, garbage out, you know, like if you're going to put garbage in your mind, garbage is going to come out.
[00:21:49] Stephen Licciardello: So choose what you put in your mind you know, hang around dogs. You catch fleece . Like we've all heard that saying. Yeah, but it, but it, it's not only around
[00:22:00] friendships, it's what are you listening to on tv? What, yeah, what are you reading? What, what are, what are you putting in your ears?
[00:22:05] Stephen Licciardello: What
[00:22:05] Sharlene Licciardello: are your ears
[00:22:06] Stephen Licciardello: through your eyes? What are you putting through your eyes, you know, and we live in a society that there's a lot of free access to pornography. If you haven't listened to the episode on pornography on season one, make sure you do listen to that. That is episode 16 with. J. K. Mazie and he talks about the dangers of pornography and
[00:22:30] how it is eroding masculinity in our world today and, and how to overcome that.
[00:22:36] Stephen Licciardello: But it's not just pornography. It's a lot of things out there that are actually eroding not only the, the female spirit and the male spirit, but also our identities. And so we need a mindset shift of what it is to be true to you as well. So. Be protective, honor your mind and be protective of what goes in there.
[00:22:59] Stephen Licciardello: So
[00:23:00] again, you're building that resilient tool.
[00:23:02] Sharlene Licciardello: Yeah, absolutely. And one of those things is that you can listen to really good nurturing podcasts, you know, really good programs to really be careful with what you choose to put through your eyes and your ears, because you've only got one mind, you've only got one brain and at the end of the day, that's yours and it's.
[00:23:20] Sharlene Licciardello: It's yours to treasure for the rest of your life. So
[00:23:23] Stephen Licciardello: then why putting stuff in causes mind shift? Because it's the law of association. If we start,
[00:23:30] associating, even if it's not friendship, but just listening or reading, then Those things that we're listening become ingrained in us become part of us and they actually become more powerful than the negative thoughts they become more influencing than the doubt and the unbelief and therefore when we start having negative thoughts we can actually reframe that and we start to practice self love self acceptance you know we become we start to
[00:24:00] practice Yeah Resistance and resilience in the face of adversity.
[00:24:04] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. We're not saying you can't just watch them junk down there but it's good to balance, you know, you wanna balance that with some really good soul enriching content for yourself.
[00:24:14] Stephen Licciardello: Another way you can rewrite your story is set some real clear intentions. Yes, What areas of your life do you actually wanna rewrite?
[00:24:22] Stephen Licciardello: What are you putting around you to remind you of that? You know, Charlene and I, we we probably take this lore a bit. to the
[00:24:30] extreme of setting the intentions because we don't have a dream board. We have a dream room. We have a dream room and in that room is, not, I won't call it a shrine, but there's definitely a table where we've got all the beach stuff.
[00:24:45] Stephen Licciardello: A display. A display because, you know, of some of our goals. We have post it notes with words, we have vision boards, and that creates a whole atmosphere of us setting our intentions as well. Absolutely. Like,
[00:24:58] Sharlene Licciardello: it's just embracing
[00:25:00] yourself with the, like, the whole. visual aspect of what you want to achieve or how you imagining how you will feel when you get that.
[00:25:08] Sharlene Licciardello: And it really, like when you set yourself in that frame, mind frame, it really helps to bring that out a lot quicker. It just really reminds me of the whole concept of sewing and reaping, right? When you sew something, the farmer sows something, he knows what to expect because he's put it in and Nothing he can do is going to make it grow any faster or slower, but
[00:25:30] what he can do is water it every day.
[00:25:32] Sharlene Licciardello: He can water it, he can feed it, he can nurture it, but then that's all he can do. He can wait for the crop, you know, he just has to do his part. And then when things seem like nothing is happening, everything is happening in the background. Yeah.
[00:25:47] Stephen Licciardello: Yeah, that's so true. The next part in rewriting your story is community and support.
[00:25:52] Stephen Licciardello: Now I've said this, we've said this many times, um, it is one of the biggest lessons we learned through our journey of
[00:26:00] isolation when it came to our story around infertility and just don't want to be around anything. We weren't healing. We were actually hurting more. Healing happens in community. Yeah. Now, don't get me wrong.
[00:26:13] Stephen Licciardello: hurt happens in community as well, but healing happens in community as well. And so what I really encourage you is find community of like minded people, whether that's a spiritual community, whether it's a mentorship
[00:26:30] community, whether it's a coaching community, whether it's a book club with similar likes to you.
[00:26:36] Stephen Licciardello: Find community, friendship and accountability. Yeah. And
[00:26:40] Sharlene Licciardello: that's not to say you're gonna find people that just tell you what you want to hear. Mm. Because that's not gonna help you to grow. You wanna find people that will love you, nurture you, but also challenge you to grow and challenge you to do things that maybe a little bit outside of your comfort zone that will help you to
[00:26:56] Stephen Licciardello: grow.
[00:26:56] Stephen Licciardello: Yeah. Healing happens in community. And, you know, I
[00:27:00] can speak about this a lot, but I think that's a complete sentence. I think healing happens in community is a complete sentence. Yeah. Yeah, and lastly, what you want to do is to have a continual growth and evaluation. Always evaluating what you're doing.
[00:27:19] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. There's a saying, Stephen, that reminds me of this. It's from a doctor, Dr. Richard Carlson, and he once says that you become what you most
[00:27:30] practice. And that is basically the crux of things, like we think that, you know, Oh, I'm just an angry person or I'm just impatient or I'm just this or that.
[00:27:39] Sharlene Licciardello: But it's only because we've practiced that for such a long time that we've become perfect at being impatient. We're being really like skilled at being angry or being skilled at whatever it is that we think we are in the moment. But where identity, as I've said many times, is not set in stone. We can always be different.
[00:27:58] Sharlene Licciardello: We can always take
[00:28:00] small steps along the way to change and to practice a new way of
[00:28:03] Stephen Licciardello: being. So what you want to do is, is remember, it's not set in stone. And a lot of what's set in stone is actually habits, and habits can be overcome. By simply changing or renewing of your mind and as you go along this journey of rewriting aspects of your story, remember to celebrate.
[00:28:22] Stephen Licciardello: Celebrate your successes, celebrate things that you've done, celebrate the milestones you've come away. You know, if you
[00:28:30] have a problem, just say you want to rewrite your story around hydration, you know, because you don't drink enough water. Every time you have a glass of water, just celebrate that. You know, it doesn't have to be huge, celebrate.
[00:28:42] Stephen Licciardello: But don't celebrate a glass of water with a glass of wine. Probably defeats the purpose. but you just, yeah, you just want to celebrate the little things in life.
[00:28:50] Sharlene Licciardello: Absolutely. And there's so many ways that you can actually encourage yourself to do that as well by Just make it easier for yourself, perhaps like if it's hydration, like you said, some people
[00:29:00] find water just too hard to swallow.
[00:29:02] Sharlene Licciardello: So some people put peppermint or lemon or something that doesn't actually put any sugar in it, but it just makes it more tasty. Just a little hack.
[00:29:10] Stephen Licciardello: remembering. You are worth rewriting those areas of your life, you know, you're worth it. And no matter what the struggle, no matter what the challenge is, rewriting aspects of your life can lead to a more fulfilling life.
[00:29:26] Stephen Licciardello: So we've, we've got, yeah, we've got you on this.
[00:29:30] So this is our first episode of season two. We're really excited again to bring you a new and exciting rewrite your story podcast.
[00:29:39] Stephen Licciardello: You know, Charlene, I, I'm sure sometimes I'm going to say Rewrite Your Life Story. It's just going to come out. Yeah, habits, right? Yeah, habits, right? Yeah.
[00:29:47] Stephen Licciardello: So just to recap. So the first one is personal empowerment, taking back your power, taking back your power and relying on a high strength. The second one is self reflection and growth. Always
[00:30:00] have self reflection in what's happening in your own life and where you want to go.
[00:30:04] Stephen Licciardello: three, creating positive change, just taking those small steps along the way. Yeah, and breaking those habits. Number four. Overcoming adversity. So have the resilience, overcome those adversities, face those challenges head on. Number five. Mindset shift. be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
[00:30:25] Stephen Licciardello: And as you fill your mind, then you're able to overcome those
[00:30:30] negative beliefs. Setting intentions is number six. So make sure you don't have to do what we do. You don't have to have a visualization room, even if you have a visualization board, or even if it's just writing a gratitude journal or setting the intention for the day or what you're grateful for.
[00:30:46] Stephen Licciardello: Number seven is community and support. Healing comes in community. Healing comes in community. And number eight is continual growth and evaluation. Always keep growing. And
[00:31:00] number nine. Woohoo! Celebrating progress. Celebrate your progress. So that's it for today's episode. And we look forward to having you next week on another episode of the Rewrite Your Story podcast.

Disclaimer: This podcast is not a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or a qualified mental health professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or mental health concerns.

Stephen and Sharlene

© Copyright 2024. Stephen and Sharlene. All rights reserved.

We’re on a mission to help you create transformation.